In two weeks’ time, on 2 March to be more exact, we will be dancing under the stars again, at a secret location (shhh, I know where but I cannot say a word) for another amazing Diner en Blanc event.
I have met Sara and came across this concept in 2017 when I was one of the volunteers helping out with the set up and since then, I have been part of their team as Table Leader not only in Melbourne but also Gold Coast and Brisbane.

By far this is my favourite event of the year and for those not familiar with the concept, here is some information on how it all started in Paris in 1988:
I am always curious to understand the starting point of an idea, a business or concept so I have asked Sara Walsh – Host for Diner en Blanc Melbourne/Brisbane/Gold Coast to answer some questions on how it all began, special moments but also challenges that can occur when planning such a major event. Oh yes, these events can have between 800 to 3000 attendees. Not an easy gig to plan.

1. When did you first come across Diner en Blanc concept and what made you decide to bring it to Australia?
I fell into it. My former Co-host Mikaela had seen the concept overseas and was determined to bring it to Melbourne. I was introduced to her via a friend as they were looking for an event manager to be part of the team. I’m always up for something different and a challenge and it sounded like a really fun concept.
2. What is the biggest challenge when it comes to organising an event of such big scale?
Organising events of that scale when the location is kept a secret is the biggest challenge. We rely on volunteer Table and Group Leaders to help us communicate to guests and “lead” guests to the secret location.
3. What happens if it rains on the day?
It is a rain, hail or shine event and we only cancel if the weather is dangerous. It rained in 2022 for our Brisbane event and guests brought their own tents and marquees.
4. What was your biggest event in terms of number of attendees?
Diner en Blanc Melbourne in 2017 was our biggest event. We had 3000 guests at Melbourne’s Treasury Gardens.
5. What is your favourite moment during the event?
I have two favourite moments – the napkin wave and the sparkler wave.
6. Which event/location was the most challenging to organise?
Diner en Blanc Brisbane 2022 was the hardest event as it rained! Our site was the City Botanic Gardens and the night before the event, City of Brisbane advised that we couldn’t use the gardens because of potential damage so we had to move our whole event site, put together a new seating plan and map and communicate to our volunteers. We also put out a note to guests a few days before advising that they could bring marquees it the wanted to. It was a late night the night before to say the least!
7. What is your big dream when it comes to this event?
I don’t have a big dream, but one day I would love to host a table of all my friends at the event and enjoy the night as all the guests do! To me that would be the best.
8. Where would be a dream location in Australia to do a Diner en Blanc and why?
A dream location for me would be to close Bourke Street Mall in Melbourne and have the event right down the middle. Imagine having dinner in the middle of the road?!
9. Which Diner en Blanc world wide would be a dream to attend?
Attending the New York city event is my dream. I would love to attend this one!
10. If you could have a song play every time you enter a room, what would it be?
‘Sky Full of Stars’ by Coldplay. This is one of my favourite songs for the sparkler wave.
Should you wish to attend, grab your ticket HERE, select your departure point and get your white outfit ready. It’s worth it and I’ll see you on the dance floor.
P.S. should you wish to book accommodation and make a weekend out of it, Pullman Melbourne Albert Park has special rates for Diner en Blanc attendees. Link HERE .
